Tuesday, July 31, 2007


So, Suzy has this desktop wallpaper on her work computer of a Prince image I drew about a bazillion years ago that I fucking HATE. The likeness is bad, the coloring is bad, the drawing is bad. It's bad. I keep asking her to change it, but she says she won't until I draw her something else to replace it. I didn't know what else to do, as I don't really want to draw Prince again, so, I figured with Pottermania sweeping the world, and Suzy being a fan of the material, perhaps I'd try giving some of those characters a shot. Below is my very rough, preliminary explorations of some of those muggle fuckers.

The scan quality is shit, as I had to adjust the hell out of my levels in Photoshop to get my super light red pencils to even show up. My goal is to eventually have at least Harry, Snape, Dumbledore and Voldemort in the image, but if I'm feeling ambitious, maybe I'll try to work an owl, or Ron and Hermoine, or Spock or Gimli or one of the other characters I presume are in the books (that I don't read) in there somewhere. But yeah, I think I'm going to try and document my progress here in the blog.

My progress which will probably stop here, because really, how often do I ever finish anything?

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Sorry to double post in one day. Made this tonight in Illustrator using a mouse. It's pretty goddamned hard to "freehand" in that program without a tablet, so excuse the hands and the overly circular head. Also excuse the fact that my pants are down and my junk is on glorious display. I cropped it out, but it's there. Oh, it's there.

(EDIT: Well fuck me, I just realized I uploaded a messed up version where the "paint drips" of the graffiti style bomb logo totally don't match the rest of the image. Damn. I'll swap it out, but I won't have the chance to do so until I go back into work on Monday and have access to the computer I used to do this.)

Unintelligent design...

I was playing around with logos and shit today, not for any real reason other than my own amusement. I don't know that I'll ever apply any of this to anything, but seeing as how we're going to redesign the forums when phpbb3 comes out, I felt the urge to mess with design elements. I wish I was better at graphic design...almost as much as I wish I was better at not being ridiculously attractive.

(Click for full size versions)

The only thing I really created from scratch was the actual bomb, the fonts are from 1001freefonts.com...ok, yeah, basically I'm saying I didn't do any work on this.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Check Out The Beard

Check out my whiskers too (I kid). I made a mix tape, CD, play-list for Margaret the other day, and this is the album art that accompanied it. I think I came out looking a bit like Guy Smiley with a gimp arm, but maybe that's just how I'm looking these days.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Pirates of the AIRribbean! Har.

Another in the kind of air pirates theme we seem to have going now, for some reason. Not that I'm complaining. I was aiming for Ass Pirates, but I'm willing to compromise and get half of what I want.

I don't even know what I'm talking about most days any more.

This one's so wide, I had to shrink the preview image down a lot to get it to fit. As always, click for the bigger version.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Pilot Inspection

So I blatantly bit Todd's idea and drew me a dirigible pilot. What's that you say? You want me to take my absence of originality a step further and also post the rough sketch for this? Ok, whatever you say...

There, I even scanned the sketch book binding so you can get a sense of the image's scale. Why did I do that? It's because I'm a super generous bad-ass. Man if everyone else could be as generous and bad-ass as me the world would be like totally super generous and bad-assed.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Airship mechanic?

I feel like those arms are the mayors of Wonkytown, the face is at least a 6 pack away from attractiveness, and the wrench is all out of perspective, but I'm not positive about any of that. I did use reference for this, so it should have been cake to fix those issues, but the photograph was dimly lit and hard to make out detail in. Ah well, you win some, I'm handsome.

Original sketch.

Off topic, but while I haven't exactly been setting the group blog a blaze, I AM happy to see that looking back I've been a lot more consistent about trying to contribute the last couple of months. I'm going to go ahead and give myself a tiny bit of credit for actually somewhat sticking to at least ONE project for once.

I'm an ass.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

The Saddest Horned Lizard

Behold! Yet another drawing featuring a static life-less pose! My leisure drawing has freaking fallen off the chart lately. I damn well better remedy that if I have any illusions of doing any comic work in the next couple months. The past two weekends I found excuses not to check out the drop-in life drawing sessions around here, and instead justified hanging out at 7-11. Shameful.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Forf o' Jooleye!

I know I bitch about this all the time, but goddamn do I wish I could draw girls. I bought this book on 50's pinup art the other day, as well as the 50 Years of Playboy Cartoons collection (it weighs as much as Hugh Hefner) and I think it would be awesome to be a cheesecake pinup artist. I've been working on it a lot lately and it's not coming any easier to me. I need to learn to do loose, fluid curves and delicate faces. Learning some stock poses would also be nice. These are pretty "meh", but I like showing my garbage so Kevin doesn't kill himself. ;)

That left arm looks broken. I don't know why I didn't catch that before I inked it.

I know those color schemes are wack. I used an online color scheme generator to save time (I didn't get started on these until almost 5am).

Have a good 4th of July. Don't blow your dicks off with firecrackers.