Tuesday, July 31, 2007


So, Suzy has this desktop wallpaper on her work computer of a Prince image I drew about a bazillion years ago that I fucking HATE. The likeness is bad, the coloring is bad, the drawing is bad. It's bad. I keep asking her to change it, but she says she won't until I draw her something else to replace it. I didn't know what else to do, as I don't really want to draw Prince again, so, I figured with Pottermania sweeping the world, and Suzy being a fan of the material, perhaps I'd try giving some of those characters a shot. Below is my very rough, preliminary explorations of some of those muggle fuckers.

The scan quality is shit, as I had to adjust the hell out of my levels in Photoshop to get my super light red pencils to even show up. My goal is to eventually have at least Harry, Snape, Dumbledore and Voldemort in the image, but if I'm feeling ambitious, maybe I'll try to work an owl, or Ron and Hermoine, or Spock or Gimli or one of the other characters I presume are in the books (that I don't read) in there somewhere. But yeah, I think I'm going to try and document my progress here in the blog.

My progress which will probably stop here, because really, how often do I ever finish anything?


Ryan said...

That's some nice brain-storming. I can't wait to see the final product.

Todd said...

Thanks dude, we'll see how it goes.



Anonymous said...

Please do put Spock in the final version. The only thing that can possibly save the Potter franchise is a crossover with Star Trek. Or maybe the Jetsons.

I like what you've got, and to save me from needing to comment in the next post where you have the colored images, I really like Mustache McGee, whoever he is. (Is it werewolf professor from 3? I'm guessing that because of the scars is all.)