Thursday, July 05, 2007

The Saddest Horned Lizard

Behold! Yet another drawing featuring a static life-less pose! My leisure drawing has freaking fallen off the chart lately. I damn well better remedy that if I have any illusions of doing any comic work in the next couple months. The past two weekends I found excuses not to check out the drop-in life drawing sessions around here, and instead justified hanging out at 7-11. Shameful.


Anonymous said...

Love that drawn-on looking beard, and I especially love the "Kwick-E-Mart". Oh yeah, and I like the drawing, too. Particularly the bumpy, scaly detail on the face.

Why is he crying blood?

Todd said...

Dear god is he bleeding from the eyes?!

(Insert joke about seeing so and so engaged in such and such, and so on.)

Nice work, yo.

Ryan said...

He's bleeding from the eyes 'cuz that's what they do.

Anonymous said...

Well, that explains it. Nature is crazy.