Another in the kind of air pirates theme we seem to have going now, for some reason. Not that I'm complaining. I was aiming for Ass Pirates, but I'm willing to compromise and get half of what I want.
I don't even know what I'm talking about most days any more.
This one's so wide, I had to shrink the preview image down a lot to get it to fit. As always, click for the bigger version.
That looks really good. The texture you used on the shirt works particularly well. The plaid patch is a nice detail as well. The only thing that you've done wrong here is 1) where are the lockers? And 2) that should not be a knife, it should be a recorder.
You really softened up that face between the inking job and your colors. Nice work.
I really hope that's a joke about Geoff's puffy shirt in high school, because otherwise, I have NO idea what else you could be talking about.
I'm glad somebody noticed the changes I made to her face. This was one of the rare instances where I didn't color the thing until a day or two after I drew it, so when I came back to it with slightly fresher eyes, I immediately realized how fucked the face was. I liked that it was "distinctive", but disliked that it was distinctively ass-ugly. All I really did was shrink the mouth and nose and round off the chin/jaw, but personally, I think the end result is a lot better.
Thanks much, guys.
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