I spent the beginning of my evening digging out and installing my tablet, so what do I do? I fuck around with this for an hour (and that time shows!) using a mouse instead.
Words cannot express how much it burns me that I can't draw girls to save my life. I'm really trying to focus on that lately, but we'll see how it goes. I also NEED to come up with an adequate way to ink my drawings. I've been flip flopping between tech pens, brush pens and quill pens (which is what this is) for awhile now, and I don't like my results from, nor do I seem able to get the hang of, any of them. It's pretty goddamn annoying to do an underdrawing that you think is at least somewhat energetic, and then promptly pull all the life out of it when you try to ink the damn thing.
Why'm I being such a Negative Nancy? I gave myself a personal goal of "become competent by age 30", and while that's 2 years off, it's going to be a long road.
Sorry for the glut of random doodles lately, but, more to come!
I superlike the colors on this, and your line work is really solid. My complaints on the inking would only be on her left (our right) side. You probably don't want to go back and spend any more time on it, but I'd lose the solid black to the edge bit. Like, it should go black, and then back to some skin at the edge.
So don't be so hard on yourself, other than that one inking flub (and I'm sure that's what you're thinking of) the inking is sweet. And other than that line marking the ball of her nose and the sort of "weightless" boobs (if they're small, they wouldn't cast such a heavy shadow, so in this it seems like they should be big, but then they're not) she's a bonerfied hottie.
Hey thanks man, that's really good feedback. I appreciate it.
I totally know what you're talking about with the reflected light source that should be on her back. Why did I miss that, I should know that shit by now.
Awesome call on the boobs thing. When I'm looking at drawings (mine or others) I get in "analytical mode", where I really pay attention to structure and form, but when I'm drawing, that all goes out the window and I doodle haphazardly, making sloppy mistakes like that without thinking. Guh, so much to learn.
Thanks again, that was a really good critique.
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