Sunday, February 17, 2008


Another girl. I'm not confident about those proportions. I think the head may be too large, and the legs are probably too short. We'll chalk that up to the irrefutable catch all excuse of "style." I also think there's some wackiness going on in the collarbone and shoulder areas. On the plus side, I kinda like the way the strands of hair turned out. Not the big, flippy/curly clumps, just the loose strands. I'll have to incorporate those into something that's not garbage at some point.



Anonymous said...

I think it looks pretty cool. I think you might be right about the head being a little too large, but everything else looks really nice, and I really like the way you've used your blacks in this one. If you're concerned about the collar bone/shoulder/neck area, you could always just drop that line out, going with the ladies=less lines logic.

Anyway, it's great seeing this flurry of work from you. Keep it up!

Unknown said...

Big Daddy Todd, I wouldn't change a thing. Ef those naysayers! You've improved immensely since your old bloggity blog blog. It's good to have rediscovered you again. And stay away from those video games!

Todd said...

Thanks for the feedback amigos!

Guy-Hey wow, I'm flattered you actually went about tracking me down. I've had a REALLY long dry spell, and during that time, my webspace went bust and all of my images were lost. Now that I'm slowly getting back into drawing again, I've started posting here rather than on my old blog which now features a broken template and a bunch of red x's. I'm planning on rebooting the old blog, once I come up with a new design for it. Thanks again for stopping by. That means a lot to me.