I apologize for breaking the unspoken rules and making a non-art post, but since I was talking about this in the comments earlier, I thought I'd go ahead and reveal the (rotten) fruits of my labor:
It's a work in progress, just to get a template up that I can screw around with. I'll probably make a new banner image, maybe separate drawings and digital work, and add links to things like this blog. I realize this isn't going to win any awards for web design, but I'll be damned if even this simple little thing didn't take me the better part of a 9 hour work day to build(though most of that was just trying to learn how to do ANYTHING in Dreamweaver besides give myself a migraine).
If anyone has any recommendations or helpful advice, I'd really love to hear it. Thanks!
I don't have any helpful advice for you (you've seen my pathetic attempts at webpages), but I'll let you know that I got 404ed when I clicked on "mermaidcolor." I thought you'd lost all those older drawings with the Great Purge when the board went down?
Anyway, it looks good so far. It's nothing flashy, but it's easy to look at and easy to access the images, which is the most important part. I might suggest (if you're planning on doing tons of work to it) to maybe add some rollover type flair to it...like maybe the thumbnail gets magnified slightly when you roll over it, or something like that. Just an idea, but really it's pretty fine the way it is.
Fuck yes! Do you use Flash at all? I'm not saying you should integrate any into that sight, it's just that looking at that portfolio, it seems like that would be a useful piece of software to have some skill in.
Sweet site broham.
nice one. The only suggestion might be to sort the images.. also might like to see some of your sequential work.
Thanks a lot, guys.
-I fixed the broken mermaid link. Good catch.
-I haven't put up sequential because either a) they're terrible and I'm ashamed of them or b) someone else inked/colored them and I felt like that might be an ethics violation.
-I know two things about Flash: jack and shit. It IS something I'd like to learn, but not something I have the money for, and I don't want waste time and energy on a trial that I'll have use of for 2 weeks and then lose forever. Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't think it's practical for me at this point, much as I wish otherwise.
-My "redesign plans" can basically be summed up by a change in the banner image and then, hopefully, better navigation that will fit in with a revamped bombunists.com main page. I'll probably seperate the images better at some point too, but I don't really have enough material yet to make that a priority. The banner needs to change because, honestly, having an apathetic caricature of myself with the words "meh" coming out of a speech bubble don't really exude confidence. Not that I have any, but why advertise that upfront?
-I did lose hundreds of pages in the purge. The ones I salvaged are the odd few I had uploaded to Flickr, MySpace or Facebook.
Thanks again guys, I appreciate the support.
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