Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Macho Biatcho

This was going to be my attempt at returning the favor of the avatar Geoff made for me. Unfortunately, it ended up looking less like a sasquatch and more like mid-transformation, werewolf Hulk Hogan. Also, apparently my definition of "macho" means nothing more than a handlebar mustache and a cigarette. Bikers are totally macho. James Dean can go fuck himself for half assing it and slacking on the 'stache.


Ryan said...

You've been doing some fantastic work lately, I apologize for not commenting on any of it sooner. I particularly like the pirate shirt design. Perhaps "Bombunist Press" should become "Bombunist Apparel." Explain to me again why you don't draw for a living?

Anonymous said...

This is one damn hilarious drawing. (I also like that you've labeled the post with "werewolf Hulk Hogans," in case anyone is searching for that.)

Todd said...

Thanks guys. I've been thinking about slowly trying to accumulate some kind of portfolio, which is why I've been cranking stuff out lately. I'd like to do more than these little logos and faces in Illustrator, but I figure as long as it looks somewhat completed, it can't hurt to have it in there.

What will I actually DO with a portfolio once I have one? Fuck if I know. Probably nothing. Baby steps...

Anonymous said...

I know what you can do! You can start aubmitting your portfolio to organizations that have placed ads requesting illustration jobs. Then, you can get one of those jobs and get PAID to draw.