Saturday, May 05, 2007

Beware the green eyed monster!

Fucking around in Photoshop (as I've been doing into the wee hours of the morning the last couple of nights). The digital "painting" hasn't been coming along very well, so before hanging it up out of frustration, I just started freehand drawing without a plan. I was kind of pleasantly surprised with it, which almost never happens:

I mean, I'm sure someone will come back and tell me she looks like a dude, and I think the mouth, jaw, shoulders and neck may be pretty badly off...but for my current skill level, as freehand line art with no reference, I'm not terribly disappointed with myself this time.

Seriously though, if you spot something that's wonky or could be improved, please tell me. I really, really want to get better at digital art. And kickball.

Have a good weekend d00ds.

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