Thursday, October 08, 2009


I probably should have thought this one out a little more before diving in.

Here's the original sketch, to make it perfectly clear how absolutely lazy I've become lately.


BDiamond said...

What throws me off is the use of your black outline. You use it on some parts of his body but not on others. You did this with Thor too.

russell said...

I think that's pretty rad. I'm a fan of the color scheme, and a fan of Scarecrow.

Todd said...

Thanks, bros.

Regarding the black line thing, with Thor it was a (failed) stylistic experiment, with this dude, it was an accident that I didn't even notice until you just pointed it out. Well, the black outline on the shirt was a mistake. The face I did on purpose as I can't think of any other way to make it presentable.

Appreciate the feedback.

Geo said...

This one is sweet! Definitely worth going back in to finish it up. I would go ahead and put some more details in the hands, scythe, cat-thing, and make the grass a little less uniform.