Wednesday, June 24, 2009


This was going to be Hellboy VS The Count for the weekly sketchgroup at PencilJack, but I have such a hard time drawing Hellboy I decided to put the kibosh on it. He's such a simple character in concept, and in Mignola's execution, but I have a hell of a time figuring out the perspective on his horns and right hand. Should have planned this one out better, but what are you going to do? I'm going to quit, that's what I'm going to do!


Ryan said...

Power through it! Use one of those Mountain Dew cans within arms reach to figure out the perspective.

Suzy said...

I agree with Ryan, I want to see this one finished!

Bat said...

Hey, saw this awesome little piece on PJ. Enjoying your work!

Todd said...

Thanks for the encouragement everybody, but I don't know if I'll be continuing. It's kind of hard to keep the motivation going when there are already so many problems. On to smaller and lesser things!

Bat, thank you very much for following me over from PJ. I've definitely seen plenty of awesome work from yourself, so, I'm flattered!