Friday, June 19, 2009

Tiger Up Yer Butt!

When I set out to do this, my mantra was "simple, cartoony", but as it went along, I added more detail, and now it's become "awkward, weird." That's cool baby, the T-Man rolls with the punches. I did play around with some new coloring techniques, so it's not a total wash. I used Adobe Illustrator's Live Paint for the first time, and I worked light to dark rather than dark to light. If I had any confidence in myself to follow through with it, I'd say maybe this was the beginning of a series of Street Fighter characters. Since I know myself better than most, I say this very well might be my last post ever.

This was an experiment I did while I was fucking around with ways to manipulate photos in Illustrator. It kind of looks like shit, but I learned a lot of stuff. Primarily that Suzy's dad looks pretty awesome in shutter shades.

Click on those sumbitches to biggerize them. You all know this by now, right? I get paranoid sometimes that my resized, pixelated images will be mistaken for the final product. I mean, they'll look like ass either way, but I want to ensure you're looking at the RIGHT ass. I want you to look at MY ass, the way God and I intended it.


Ryan said...

That picture of Suzie's dad is crazy awesome. Please tell me that's going on some sort of sleeveless shirt.

The Sagat coloring is nice, haven't tried the live paint myself. The pose though is kinda weird, more like he's standing reading a newspaper than flexed ready to fight.

And what is up with the elbow on the left?

Todd said...

Thanks for the feedback, dude.

What IS up with the elbow on the left? Is it weird? I'm not being defensive, I just honestly can't see it. I have a problem making out errors in my own work sometimes, and this is obviously one of those cases. I agree that the pose doesn't doesn't look that hot, though. I used this as reference when maybe I should have used my own instincts more:

Anyway, thanks again.