Saturday, March 29, 2008

2 from the DS

Most of my sketching is done on the bus lately.
Most of the time the most interesting subject,
is the back of someone's head.

Today was Sketchcrawl #18.
The first one I went to was #3 back in '05.
On the way home I had a cupcake and a cup of coffee.
This is my coffee.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Y'er Yeller

I'm just fucking around with color schemes.
That is all.

A cornicopia of porno-dope-fo-ya...

Whoops! Fooled you! That name is much more titillating than what I'm actually delivering: nothing but random sketch shizz from the last week and a half or so.

The random photographs are in there because I draw a lot of this shit on work meeting hand outs, and my boss likes to tack on the odd pictures she finds when googling the various topics we'll be discussing. Some of my doodles overlap the photos, so the photos are included here as well. Why didn't I just leave out the scribbles that were connected to pictures? Because every single line I make is amazing, and shouldn't be wasted.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

Our mom may have called it our "Sunday best,"
but I assure you, it was the worst.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Game Bastard...

(Alternate post Title: "The N Word.")

As good as it is, Smash Bros. fails as a concept as long as my man The Game Master goes ignored.

That's looking all kinds of wack and I know it. Much as I like dicking around in Illustrator, the things I'm not very good at (hands and feet especially) look far, far worse when I try to draw them with a mouse. The pose and body shape are kind of weird as well. Captain N ain't got no junk in the trunk.

Also! The orange gun is for fuckwads, it's gray all the way, baby! But, orange is what the character had, so I went with what was faithful. Was there really a concern at some point that someone would mistake the Nintendo Zapper for a real laser gun unless it was orange? Probably.

This is leftovers I started but didn't like where it was going and lost interest in. Why am I posting my trash? Because the higher I inflate my post count, the more I can lord it over the rest of you twats that I seem to be the only one who ever posts here anymore.


Friday, March 14, 2008

Eye Rape...

Straight up, this is just total shit:

That was my attempt at an unsolicited caricature of my sister. Next time I'll save myself two hours and just say "Hey, want to see a caricature of you I made?" then I'll punch her right in the mouth. Her huge, ghastly, duck lipped mouth, according to what I've represented here. This isn't even a caricature, it's candy colored cartoon slander. It's libel.

That said, I'm going to make an effort to post more out and out garbage here. I know I trash talk my own work all the time, but speaking candidly (meaning, arrogantly), a lot of the stuff I deem failures I secretly am able to find small victories in. Like that "sasquatch" I posted a month back. I mean, it doesn't look like sasquatch (werewolf Hulk Hogan yadda yadda), but I think it's an overall solidly constructed face. It's like, if I made you a shit sandwich, yeah, it's probably going to be fucking disgusting and hopefully you're not going to want to eat it, but if it's got two slices of bread, some lettuce, perhaps a little provolone, I dunno, maybe an olive speared to the top with a toothpick, I still succeeded in executing the basic concept of a sandwich, right? Of course, it's an unfortunate deal breaker that it's got my shit in it, but even if I can't find my car, I'm still in the right parking lot. I think my astute and eloquently worded analogy has gotten my point across. Anyway, I want to post more stuff like this that just sucks out loud. Like, has no redeeming value whatsoever. Mostly to artificially inflate my post count by showing 9/10 of the stuff I actually draw, but also to hopefully stop worrying about presenting crap an allowing myself to move outside my comfort zone.

As an added bonus side effect, maybe you all will come to realize that I am not an infallible art god, and am instead just really, really, supernaturally good.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


I was goofing on a Long John Silver image for possible participation in a thread on DrawingBoard, but wasn't happy enough with it to deem it worth showing in public. The hands are a lazy mess, but I can't draw that shit with a pencil, so I don't feel that bad about failing to do it with a mouse. Also, I don't know why I'm an idiot and made him leaning AWAY from the crutch. Unless your "crutch" is alcohol, I'm pretty sure you're supposed to put all of your weight on it.

When I colored him, he came out looking less like a pirate and more like a crippled leprechaun. In art we call this a "happy accident."

(click to enlarge that sumbitch so it doesn't look so pixely and weird.)

Half finished junk I have no intention of turning into whole finished junk: