Tuesday, March 04, 2008


I was goofing on a Long John Silver image for possible participation in a thread on DrawingBoard, but wasn't happy enough with it to deem it worth showing in public. The hands are a lazy mess, but I can't draw that shit with a pencil, so I don't feel that bad about failing to do it with a mouse. Also, I don't know why I'm an idiot and made him leaning AWAY from the crutch. Unless your "crutch" is alcohol, I'm pretty sure you're supposed to put all of your weight on it.

When I colored him, he came out looking less like a pirate and more like a crippled leprechaun. In art we call this a "happy accident."

(click to enlarge that sumbitch so it doesn't look so pixely and weird.)

Half finished junk I have no intention of turning into whole finished junk:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like the texture on pirate/leprechaun's coat. I'm not a cane/crutch using guy, but I would think you'd rather put your weight on your good leg rather than on a flimsy piece of wood. Isn't the crutch more for walking and balance than doing the bulk of support work? Just saying I see no problem with the lean is all.

And fat hat lady is awesome! Great gesture/expression and economy of line! Although I'm not sure what she's doing with her hand...a modified shocker?