Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Why the hell am I even posting this crap?

Squat Magistrate's justice is both swift and purple.


Todd said...

Heh, "Squat Magistrate." I like!

What did you use for this, Illustrator? Flash? Photoshop? The lines are really smooth. I lost my version of Illustrator to a corrupted harddrive, so all I have is Photoshop, and Flash, which I don't know how to use. If you were able to get lines that crisp with one of those two programs, I want to know so I can start pulling that shit off myself.

I really, really like the dude getting zapped. The "skeleton" you drew for him shows a lot of structure and depth that your work doesn't typically exhibit. I don't mean that comment offensively at all, just that I usually think of your drawings as a lot less "formal" in their approach.

Very nice work. I need to get back into the swing of posting regularly.

Ryan said...

The majority of the sketches I post on here are done in Flash. It is by far my favorite program for doodling in because of how smooth and fluid its paintbrush tool is. It's also really easy to get drastic degrees of variation in your line weight.

So... yeah. In Flash, just select the Paint Brush Tool and then click the little comma-shaped button to turn on pressure sensitivity.