Drawing in pencil is FUCKING HARD. I'm so used to sketching in red/blue and then going straight to pen, that I've forgotten how to "pencil" comic pages for an inker. Ugh. This is going to be an uphill battle to put it mildly...
Here's my thumbnail process...

Four more pages to go.
This is probably the best paneling I've seen from you. I particularly like the composition on the first panel. Much improvement since GD.
Ditto, that looks really nice. Is this the same project you were working on like a year ago where the girl whips her hair and hits people...or something?
My only comment on layout is a question about dialogue. There seems to be no room for speech balloons in the four bottom panels. I guess the balloons can go in the top panel.
All of the drawings are sweet, but the top is a particularly nice choice with the perspective like that. Maybe the lady walking in the background should be a little larger though, just to give a more "extreme" angle? The bottom left panel is gorgeous, and hilarious.
Thanks guys. Yeah, it's for the same project I did aways back. I thought it turned out terribly last time, because I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. I still don't know what the fuck I'm doing, but I'm hoping repetition will help me figure it out. When they asked me to do another couple of pages, I jumped at the chance.
I don't know if I'm technically supposed to be reposting any of this stuff, but seeing as how only 3 people including myself come to this blog, and I'd show it all to you in person anyway, I figured it's ok for me to post little bits here and there just to prove to myself and others that I AM working on getting better at comics.
Thanks again. If you're curious as to what the final looked like (minus letters):
Holy god, that coloring job is wicked. Although now the fourth panel (the open one) bothers me.
Yeah, I'm not so pleased with that panel myself. I wanted to break things up instead of having a row of uniform boxes, as I feared it would look static and boring. Once the inks and color were added, I realized having uniform panels wasn't really a bad thing afterall. Oh well, I'm still learning this shit so I'm well aware my storytelling is terrible.
In case it wasn't obvious, I didn't ink or color that. Both of those chores were handled by a German guy named Vlad who's fucking amazing. Really, the prospect of seeing my drawings finished by others is the real draw of this kind of thing for me.
Thanks much for the feedback holmes.
I knew you didn't ink or color the finished page. Not because you suck, but I would definitely recognize your inking style.
You know, if we ever try to publish a comic again (which I'm reasonably sure will not happen for a very long time), we might want to try a "big studio" approach, and rather than all of us trying to write, pencil, and ink separate shorts, we could split up the tasks on a larger story. I'd be happy just inking you and having Ryan color or something. It might work, and it might even make us slightly more accountable to one another, so that we don't just do nothing when we're supposed to be doing something. (I'm talking about myself there.)
I like that idea, but I don't know if others would be willing to give up the pencilling duties. Inking and coloring are most definitely important contributions to comic work, but I still think drawing the thing is the glory position and the one that really allows a person to put his or her mark on the work. Would others be willing to pass on their opportunity to put their personal style front and center? I dunno.
I myself would be willing to give up pencilling duties and work on some other function. Really, the only thing that's a serious stumbling block for me is the writing. I can't seem to make myself write a goddamned thing, but any other chore I'd be more than happy to take on.
Shit, why don't I just post this on the forum?
Oh whoa, how did I not notice that colored link before? That's some hot stuff right there.
It's kind of funny you would mention that mode of production Russell, cuz literally yesterday I was thinking about how too big (and too full of stupid research) Master of Lightning is at the moment and started coming up with an idea I think would short and tailored to your art style.
Nice penciling muchacho! I agree with Russell, that it seems you didn't allow much breathing room for dialogue bubbles... and now that I read the script and know what's supposed to be going on I can say there idea of making the painting huge and impossible to conceal might have been funny, but it doesn't read at all what exactly he's trying to do. It looks more like she's pulled a gun on him and he's reaching for the sky.
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