Thursday, February 01, 2007

Master Of Lightning

I've finally gotten Photoshop reinstalled on my home computer, and dug my scanner out of storage. Unfortunately, I have no idea where the scanning software is, so it's still out of commission for a little while. Once I find that shit, and reinstall my tablet, I'm back in business. The business of ignoring all of my art supplies in favor of my TV.

When I was at Russell's blog the other day, I came across the Ben Franklin page again. I decided to blatantly crib from his work, because that's the kind of guy I am.

Here's the color version I was playing around with tonight. I tried out some bloom lighting and different effects I found in various tutorials to create the light cast from the lightning bolts, but nothing turned out useable. It looks wrong without the lighting, it looks wronger with the lighting I tried to render. If somebody has a good method on hand, I'd love to hear it.